Kenyatta Trice joins us on the podcast to talk about TRICE Occupational Consulting Solutions, LLC., designed to assist clients with career goals and opportunities in Employment and Business Development. With firsthand experience dealing with the struggle of finding employment, Kenyatta set out to help people with barriers find career stability. Taking a genuine approach with her clients combined with her professional background, Kenyatta uses her resources to meet each individual’s needs and gives them a chance to advance and grow in their field.
What is the thing that made you branch out and become an entrepreneur?
The biggest thing was just seeing the need that people have and also just understanding where I came from and knowing how hard it was for me to access certain services and certain things that was actually going to help me support myself and my family. I figured this is a good way to really get to people at the heart of what it is that they want to do to become an entrepreneur.
3:56-4:09 “It’s kind of weird because what I do is I work with people looking for employment, I work with business startups to keep their businesses going so, it kind of didn’t change as much.”
4:38-5:00 “A lot of people think that the end of the year or beginning of the year is when things pick up for employment services but it doesn’t it just depends on the economy and where everybody is. I will say because of Covid and the pandemic, people are being laid off of work, people are looking for other opportunities, I have been reached out to a lot for those services. “
Job Description:
5:17-5:30 TRICE Occupational Consulting Solutions, so I offer resources and consulting for people who are looking for some type of career whether that’s being in business by themselves or employment.
5:37-6:00 “So on the employment side, I help job seekers, people who are currently working either get new work, new opportunities, more money, better positions, or completely switch up their industries. I help a lot of folks who haven’t worked in X amount of years or have a gap of unemployment and their trying to get back to what they used to do”
6:06-6:26 “I have a job distribution business where I have jobs that come in, I send them out to my clients to whoever needs employment. So it can be jobs from warehouse up to executive level, clerical, state jobs, county jobs, anything that comes across to me, I’ll send out to folks.”
6:37-6:55 “I work with companies who are looking to do recruiting. So, if they’re looking for that specific employee that has the exact skills, can kind of fit in the office environment, have a great personality, whatever that may look like for them, I also help them with recruiting to find good employees.”
6:56-7:20 “On the business side, I work with startup businesses, businesses that are already in process, and growing their business so whatever that looks like. It could be making sure their business cards match the website, matches all of the paperwork, I do a lot of document editing so, terms and conditions, develop proposals, I do a lot of business plans for a lot of startup businesses”
7:46-8:04 “Career, employment, that’s my big thing. I think a lot of that stems from just me going through my own personal struggles on the employment side. I’m realizing that employment or steady income is needed for stability and that’s my main focus”
8:05-8:23 I want to help folks become stable within whatever their skill is that they can do. I want people to advance and grow and make more money and my way of doing that is through employment, through recognizing what your skills and abilities are so we can actually apply them somewhere.
16:07-16:20 “Working with people that have barriers, they can’t always go to a job that’s hiring and get the job so they have to use their other skills that they have and abilities to create work for themselves and the best way to do that is through self-employment
22:25-22:38 “That adjustment, it happens, it’s necessary, it’s just what is the adjustment going to be? And if it’s just adjusting our thought processing and how we move things or see things, it’s going to adjust at some point it’s just a matter of when and what.”
38:26-38:45 “These are things that they didn’t teach us in school, we didn’t have this information in school at all and the things that they did teach us in school about life, it doesn’t usually apply. Who is out there being real with people about what their skills, abilities, and what they can actually do with them.”
39:33- 40:03 “Sometimes we have to have those experiences so that we can grow within ourselves because sometimes I even ask myself well dang if i would’ve done this before I would’ve been super great now but without all that I’ve been through, I wouldn’t be where I am now. So, it's like I kind of needed those experiences or that bad experience or that bad time in my life or that situation in order to be who I am today and also know how to handle situations that may be the same or may arise”
9:17-9:24 “I’m real big on teamwork, I’m never like the forefront person but in the back kind of like helping things kind of move”
10:13-10:39 “Having to get back into the workforce, not wanting to apply for a warehouse job, it was really hard for me to get my foot in the door anywhere because through the physical side of abuse, I wasn’t the “front face” of a company. So, me doing administrative and reception work was kind of like they’d look at the resume and put it away”
11:09-11:31 I went to the only Black owned staffing agency here in Portland, Oregon called Brooks Staffing and they got me a warehouse job doing administrative work.”
11:44-12:51 I went in for a job that was a temporary position, I showed out, built trust with them and worked my way up from there for the next 8 years. That’s where I got a lot of the different skills and abilities of working with different industries, knowing how to please people, understanding human resources, understanding how it is to be a recruiter, assessing a resume for a specific position, working with different clients that needed employees, so that’s where I learned the bulk of what I do now.
13:04-13:26 “I went to Bradley Angle which is a domestic violence resource center and I was the economic empowerment coordinator. I helped domestic violence survivors maintain stability through finances so credit, employment, entrepreneurship, just kind of working the whole gambit of financial stability."
13:45-14:02 “I had a few friends that wanted me to do a resume and they got the job. I kept doing it for folks and updating their resumes and I got a lot of positive feedback from them. So, I was like “huh, I should start charging people for this”
Things to think about when starting a business:
14:38- 15:00 “What do your finances look like? Do you think this is something you can do 5 years from now, 10 years from now? Is this something that you just want to do as a hobby?”
16:20-16:33 “Just really recognizing what skills people have, deciding if it’s just a hobby or if it’s something that they can actually use toward stability, toward increasing their revenue and making money for themselves. “
22:13-24:35- “How we represent ourselves on paper because on paper no matter who is behind that employer's desk, in HR, their humans too and they have their thoughts and their own processes and their own, sometimes judgements so we have to make sure that we stand out on paper to where it’s going to be received by any and everybody.”.
38:52-39:04 “What moves you? What is your passion? Because a lot of people’s passions can definitely determine what type of work they’re willing to do, what type of work they want to do, and what type of business they want to create.”
Key Links:
Website: https://www.triceocs.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trice_ocs/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/trice_llc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TRICEOCS/