Allan Njoroge and Andrew Olemgbe from Action Healthcare Staffing join us on the podcast.
I originally met Andrew at a black men’s play in Northwest Portland and stayed connected ever since. It just goes to say that when you put yourself out there.
Andrew is a native Portlander. He grew up in South East and went to high school at Benson. He moved to Houston, Texas to go to school and play football at Texas Southern. He was fortunate enough to have a small stint in the NFL. He later moved Texas for a few job opportunities, but came back to Portland as his career in business consulting picked up.
Allan was born and raised in Kenya and moved to Dallas, Tx when he was 18. He bounced around in Texta before he moved to Portland following opportunities in the tech area. He started his first startup called Eldohire in 2015. After a few pivots the company dissolved and he shifted to health care.
Allan and Andrew met through a mutual friend Jasmine Streeter. Allan was 6 months into his startup number 7, and Andrew was shifting from his 9 to 5 life to something more entrepreneurial. Andrew was working on a line of Beard oils and wanted to find a way to make money through digital marketing and products. He noticed he enjoyed doing the marketing more than the product.
Andrew is a serial entrepreneur. With each attempt at a startup has been a learning experience along his journey. He doesn’t like to say they were failures because there was value in each and every one of the experiences that have improved the other businesses he started in the future.
Their business has been affected, but as a healthcare staffer, they have shifted their model a bit. Their goal is to impact lives for the better. Both Allan and Andrew take that entrepreneurial drive and apply it to healthcare for the better. They both have knowledge in different fields, and when they connected they combined that knowledge to take their mission to the next level. Right now, they are working on a solution that can evolve their business to scale unimaginably.