About Amir Morgan
Amir Morgan (@AestheteSociety) from Aesthete Society joins us on the PDXBlack Rose Podcast for great conversation about being creative inPortland.Amir Morgan has an inventive spirit. Growing up playing baseball and basketball, Morgan always knew he wanted to work with fashion. But going to school and studying bioengineering, his plans changed from fashion to practicing medicine. It wasn’t necessarilyMorgan’s idea to study medicine. His parents just wanted a secure job for him, but eventually Morgan had to listen to the voice within that said“it’s more important to have passion for a job” than job security alone.Following that passion, Morgan began to study textiles at North CarolinaState University, eventually ending up at Nike in apparel innovation, and menswear among other divisions.But that’s all he’s done. Working with fellow colleagues and friends,Morgan has collaborated with Weiden and Kennedy, Portland ArtMuseum and others to bring together diverse audiences around fashion, technology and art for experiential events. In addition, Morgan is now in the process of unveiling innovative bespoke clothing for men through his firm Barnes and Morgan, named for his parents
Notable Time Stamps:
1:30 Nike for sock design, sportswear, basketball, training4 years – Apparel Innovation, 10 years total Textiles, BiomedicalEngineering at North Carolina State
2:52 bringing diverse demographics to experience something new through education, art and community culture and fashion , creating experiences
4:15, wearable art, fashion art, heritage and lineage through fashionBarnes and Morgan ( Mom and Dad maiden names)
7:50 Bespoke suits meets overalls to make jump suits
11:10 Was planning to be a doctor taking bioengineering in school.
13:30 Always love math and science, parents wanted me to have job security but I decided it was more important to have passion about a career
15:30 At my core I’m a researcher,I go deep into things to make connections,
18:20 Born in Raleigh, NC, cousin came to Portland first
27:00 feeding off the energy of others: cousins, nephews, Ian Williams, people who are doing their own projects
Key Links:
Website: https://www.aesthetesociety.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aesthetesociety/