Deena Pierott (@theinclusionist) from iUrban Teen joins us on the PDX Black Rose Podcast for a great conversation about Promoting science and technology in the Black Community. Deena Pierott is committed to her family and her community. In her own words, it’s “ family and community over everything.” But you don’t have to take her word for it, you just have to look at her track record. The founder of International Black Women's Collaborative, Black Women in Stem 2.0, Mosaic Blueprint and I Urban Teen; all organizations that serve to connect people to opportunities, Pierott has learned that building relationships is the foundation to building something that lasts. That mentality of being a builder and an advocate led Pierott to the White House in 2013 where she was honored as a Champion of Change.
Always a student of entrepreneurship, Pierott learned from that experience that she needed a team, in particular a publicist to let people know what was going on. These experiences of triumphs mixed with stumbling blocks have taught her how to pivot as an entrepreneur on the grind. And pivoting is exactly what she’s doing now in these changing times. Although she is still on the grind, Pierott is learning to slow down, be present and “ meditate on what can we do differently, and what can we leave behind and not take with us after this [pandemic]?” There are so many wisdoms that Pierott has to share, it’s best just to listen in.
Time Stamps:
1:20 kids are grown. Works from home. It can really damage a co-spouse relationship
3:30 The mind of an entrepreneur is different
The best gift you can give someone is to be present: kids, spouse, etc
5:00 I’m shifting out of the Hustle and grind, fake it til you make it can burn you out mindset. Focusing on family and self care
8:30 Entrepreneurs need to know how to pivot, through dilemma to think about opportunities
13:40 not a schmoozer, I don’t like people to bullshit me, tell me what you want up front and I’ll do the same
16:00 IBWC: I have 3,000 women around the globe, Black Women in Stem 2.0, Mosaic Blueprint, I Urban Teen ( we serve over 8,000 youth)
23:50 Believe in your ideas, Whatever I think of I move on, I was trying to fill a need, Being a Black woman founder
27:30 Honored at White House as Champion of Change, missed an opportunity because we didn’t have a plan and strategy
33:00 making sure we are each other’s keepers,
What matters most is what you’ve done to help others, family and community over everything
Key Links:
Website: https://mosaicmetier.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/deenapierott
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dpierott/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theinclusionist
Key Links for iUrban Teen:
Website: https://iurbanteen.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iUrbanTeen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iurbanteen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iUrbanTeen/